🛣 Reroute – Quit the detour. 🚧

Reroute - Quit the detour

While I was working on releasing a blog post on a particular week, my thoughts strayed a bit or better put, I had a recall of how I had struggled to upload a post online the previous week because I changed my location. And possibly my network provider was trying to get a hold on “if this was my new location” or “maybe we need to ascertain this” or “Nah!, she is so not in the place we knew her to be” etc. 😂

Funny right. But this really did cross my mind. Because fast forward to some days later and for the following week’s upload, I was no longer having this network difficulty. And so I didn’t have to carry it over to the next day as I had to, the time the network acted up, which also continued for about 2 – 3 days afterward. So yes, it’s possible that is what happened because I still don’t have an answer to what happened to it that it got better some days later. 😁

Seeking for answers - Curious

Just the way my network provider decided to watch out for itself, and hence went all MIA (missing in action) on me because I changed my location. Many of us have also left our home zone and we are now in a place – unrecognized. And hence we are struggling to survive. We have left our source and hence we just keep trying so hard to make something good happen. Because no good happens when God who is Good is not in the picture.

There is no good outside God

So what am I trying to say?. Go back to your root. Reroute back to your source and stay in your lane. Stop trying so hard to function out of your natural habitat. Because trying so hard to do this, can only lead to more pain, hardship, and embargo you most likely will need God to help you fight off.

Planted in good soil

Just as a plant would thrive only in its recognized soil type (loamy or sandy) as the case may be. But wouldn’t, when planted outside its “recognized” soil type, so also we are. We can only function right and function well when we let go of ourselves and seek God!.

Let’s read this Bible verse:

But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also.

Matthew 6:33 (AMP)

Our natural habitat/ dwelling place is in God. Hence, if we try to do any other thing before seeking Him first, we are most likely setting ourselves up for a big failure. And I am sure we don’t want that. So why don’t you recourse and get back to Him – your only source. He in whom we can fully and truly thrive in. He is our source – made in His likeness. Hence a life outside of His aura and demeanor is just a shadow of itself.

Life outside Christ is a shadow of itself

Begin to live the FULL life today. And let’s get back to seeking God first – the one, who is your source and is also mine.

Living in Christ guarantees fullness of life



40 Comments Add yours

  1. jesusluvsall says:

    Love this little sister. Where ever we are, we can always reroute back to God 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Smiles. I am really glad to know you do big bro. 🤗
      Yes!. 💃

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Amen! I agree we must stay in our natural habitat, which is dwelling in the secret place of God. There is no better place to be!😊👣

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yes ma’am. We need to stay where He is at!. 💯
      Smiles. Absolutely!. 🙌
      Thank you ma’am. 🤗


  3. Amen and amen 🙏🏽 we’ve got to put the Lord first

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Yes ma’am. He needs to be first in ys always. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Michelle says:

    It’s so easy to stray away from the path, but it’s comforting to know we can always reroute and get right back to where we need to be. ❤️❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. So sorry I just saw your message in the spam box. 😓
      Absolutely!. Its a comfort to us that we can get right back on track. 🙌
      Thank you for your comment, ma’am. ❤🤗

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Michelle says:

        That’s ok! I’ve been having a lot of comments go to spam recently. 😦
        Have a wonderful day! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you so much for your understanding. 🤗
          Aww. Sorry about that too. 😓
          Thank you. And you too, ma’am. 🤗

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Israel says:

    Nice piece

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for always reading, Israel. 🤗
      Blessings. 🤗


  6. 💯 There is so much God will do in/through us if only we stay right in the center of his plan and purpose for our lives.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yes, Ibukun.
      I can’t agree more. 👍
      Thank you for your comment. 🤗


      1. 💯

        You’re welcome!

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Aremu Joshua says:

    Absolutely true talk here sis. No one can thrive outside God.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks bro. Bless be God for His words. 🙌
      Absolutely!. We can only thrive in Him. 🤗


  8. Brilliant post! Thank you for this ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 🙌🙌
      Thank you so much ma’am. 🤗
      Blessings. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Lexa Lubanga says:

    Hello!I’ve nominated you on the inspiration blogger award♥️😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Lexa. 😊
      Thank you so much for the nomination. 🤗🤗


  10. Amen! We were created to dwell in God’s presence. That’s why life is not completely fulfilling or meaningful without being guided by the true and living God. Great reminder!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. 🙌😊
      Yes sis. Absolutely!
      I can’t agree more. 💯
      Thank you so much for your comment sis. ❤🤗

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Love this Sis! We must always consult God first!👏👏👏🙏❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Smiles. Glad to know you do. 🤗
      Yes sis. 💯
      Wishing you a blessed weekend. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Maurice says:

    We strive well only in the presence of God were we have peace and joy. In Christ presence we can make right decisions. Nice analogy from your experience. Stay home Herry Stay in your lane 😃😊😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Absolutely, Maurice. 💯
      I couldn’t agree more. 😊
      Smiles. Thank you. 🤗
      Yes!. Totally. 😊✋😊
      Thanks once again bro.
      Wishing you and the family a great weekend. 🤗


  13. I’m in a place of seeking GOD the FATHER and HIS will now, yet also know I’m where HE wants me to be… As we ask, seek, and knock it is only HE who chooses the doors to close and which door to open… In the waiting, HE wants us to trust in HIM with all of our heart, lean not on our own understanding, in all our ways acknowledge HIM, and HE will make our paths straight… Being planted where HE wants should be our utmost goal and then while there bear good fruit in serving HIM…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I love that you are. 😊
      Absolutely. He knows the best for us – always.
      Yes!. Leaning on Him should be our everyday drive!.
      Hmm. “Bearing good fruits”. I love this.
      Thank you so much for your comment on this. I appreciate it. 🤗
      Blessings to you and yours. 🤗

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Thank you Mercy for the blessings! Blessings to you from GOD our FATHER and our LORD and Savior JESUS Christ…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You are welcome. 😊
      Amen. 🙏
      Happy Sunday. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  15. gifted50 says:

    I try to always consult God before life decisions (does not always occur), but I do recognize Him as the source of all that I am. Thank you for this well-written post as always I enjoy your writing so much and the images too.
    Blessings my sister.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That is good, I love that. 🤗
      We take it one step at a time. 🙂
      Smiles. I am glad to know you do and I appreciate your feedback on the images too. ❤
      Amen. 🙏
      Thank you sis and you too. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Dawn says:

    I love that verse (Matthew 6:33) little sis. We should seek Christ first in all we do. He is our roadmap as we navigate this life. Thank you. ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Smiles. Glad to know you do. 😊
      Yes!. Absolutely. 💯
      You are welcome. Thank you so much, big sis. ❤

      P.S: Hope you are having a great and restful time off? 🤗

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Dawn says:

        You’re welcome little sis. I’m back from break now, just catching up on some blog reading this weekend. 🤗❤️

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yayyyy. Welcome back sis. ❤
          Smiles. That is good. 😊
          Well done. 🤗

          Liked by 1 person

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