Funny how these words came to mind again. As I remembered that I was having a chat with a friend recently and I recall stating “2019 has been a Year!; funny how I was so excited for the year but didn’t know it will be a year of many bumpy rides”. 🤔

Hmm, as much as we claim and state “I trust God”, do we really trust Him?. 💭

I had to ask myself this question when I was hit so badly the third time on an attempt. It was like “God why do you allow me to ache this much”. I didn’t know if all was indeed well when I first got to know of the feedback on the attempt. As I interjected my mum when she said “All is well, all will be well” with “I don’t know if all is well”. Truth be told, I was feeling so blank.

You know when you have this template at heart and you are so resolute in your pace of “I know God has got this covered” etc.

And the opposite still happens. Why why why; I had so many whys flooding my mind and when I realized I was at the point of losing myself to it. As I began laughing and tearing, I picked up my laptop and said to myself “I have cried too much already this past times, I am tired of it and I really don’t want to again – I really need some air”.

My faith was on the borderline and I couldn’t help myself. Hey, I can’t help myself in the first place right?, 🙂 because if we could really save ourselves then Christ wouldn’t have bothered coming to pay the price (All of it) in advance.

And He did it all, so that even though we will still come to face all sort. Oh my God, let me emphasize that “All sort, my friend”. That is it – it could be dreadful and you are asking yourself “Is God still there for me at all”. 🤔

Smiles, but no matter how hard it seems and tough the bashing we face. God is still God and still Good.

I wouldn’t say I have had a fun-filled year – No!. Instead I have had it with a twist, turns, separations/ letting go and focusing on God, as I am being made. That I strongly believe!.

It could hurt badly, you fail in words to describe it. As earlier on, when it happened and mum and elder sis came to me consecutively asking about how I felt, I had nothing to say. I was just so lost on words and couldn’t express how I felt about it at all. It was like “cat cut my tongue” idiomatically. 😂 But hey, we would still keep trusting Him (God) right?. Yeah, we would. We have to. We can’t fall out of the fold and His divine covering.

So yeah, after I had my moments of derailing thoughts and gave myself space to see a movie to get some load off my chest or better put: to distract myself. I came back to my bearing. I still cried but I couldn’t love any better my summation “God I still trust you”.

It could feel like you are so on a lonely island, encompassed all around with deep water bodies that you dread its sight. As that was exactly how I felt as I gazed outside through my room window and all I could see was the dark night clouds accompanied by the raindrop sounds. But hey “God is still there and active in it all for us”. 🙌

Yeah, God is not a man that He should lie, nor the son of man that He should repent, as He has said it, shall He not bring it to pass. I am grateful that God is so not a man, I have known better about that this year and I couldn’t be more grateful for the separations I have had to come to terms with.

God is still good and ever faithful. That is my summation. What is yours?. 🙌🙇

P.S: Funny how I was reminded that my last post before the shocker was on “All is well” (like a prep message; written in advance to me) and the verses I read this morning while on my study (time out) emphasized God being faithful in it all. 🙇

We are not alone in this, we are never alone!.


“We are desperate people, we want more, more lord! /2x
Cos desperate people do desperate things and we’re pressing in,
There is gotta be more,
gotta be more,
There is gotta be more than this” 🎶

Thank you Abba for training and teaching us that there is more to us in all of the happenings.
UNSHAKABLE TRUST – Undivided and Unending it is!.


Image Credit: Google

60 Comments Add yours

  1. Queen Karen says:

    Amen 🙏🏿. Life has its set of challenges but it’s in the valley, that we learn to cling even more to God. Though we may not have the answers to everything, God is in Control. He sees the tears and wipes them away. He comforts us in trialing times. He reminds us over and over again that He will never leave us. I had an experience yesterday at the bus stop where two dogs ran full force to attack me. I was telling for someone to help me but no one came at the moment. I was telling and crying. It was a surreal moment because it reminded me of the same trauma from years ago where I got bit by a dog. It was scary. At last, a man saw me on the other side of the street and came to my rescue before the owner came out. I was furious and in tears. I didn’t expect that when I was just patiently waiting for my bus to arrive for work. The thought of yesterday’s experience makes me cringe and want to cry but it’s a new day. Trusting God that it will be a better day today. Thank you for sharing this post. God is for us. As we choose to trust in Him, He will continually see us through everything that comes our way. 😊

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Yes dear. I can’t agree less with you that it comes with its challenges. But He is forever in charge.

      Yes sis. He is in it “forever”.

      Wow. Sorry about that dear.
      Hope you are good now?.

      Seek strength in God and focus on the positive – that it didn’t happen and He sent someone to come to your aid. ❤

      Yeah, it shall be a better one by His Grace.

      You are welcome, glad I did.
      Yes sis. He surely will!

      Enjoy the new day dear – fearlessly and good!.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Queen Karen says:

        Good morning. I am doing well by His grace. Thank you for your words of encouragement. Yes sis, it will be a better day. God is forever in charge 🙏🏿. Have a lovely day 😊🌻

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Hi dear. So sorry I am just replying. Really glad to.

          I believe it was at your end. 😊

          Yes sis, we will keep holding on to that truth “He is in charge”. And you too. Happy new week.❤

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Israel says:

    God is good. He never be tempted with evil neither tempts he any man…

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Yes Israel. He is always Good!. 🙌


  3. Israel says:

    God is good. He can never be tempted neither tempts he any man……

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Homer Les says:

    One thing that is hard to swallow is to see these trials as a measure of God’s deep love for us. It isn’t easy, I know. It boils down to the fact that God is different than us. He values what we do not fully understand, maturity.

    Because we are born with a ‘self’ nature we begin life separated from Him. When we first come to Jesus our spirit is little more than a seed. The ‘self’ nature in us will do all it can to kill that seed and prevent it from growing. ‘Self’ does this because it knows that within the seed of spirit lay the destruction of ‘self’. If we nurture our spirit by following Jesus in complete obedience there will be a battle between the two within us. That causes us a great deal of angst, ups and downs.

    Now the battle is normal. This is a part of spiritual growth; maturity. This is what God values. He is nurturing your spirit as you follow Him. He will deliberately allow your spirit to be tested so that in every trial you put your faith and trust deeper into Jesus. God will allow satan to resist your growth in spirit, not to break you but to strengthen you. We have to learn to trust Jesus that He will never allow satan to overwhelm you.

    The problem is we cut ourselves too much slack. Our ‘self’ will try to convince us the situation is overwhelming. At these times ‘self’ is right. The trials are overwhelming….without Jesus. You see God designs trials to be unachievable without the full cooperation between you and Jesus. It will take BOTH of you to get through it. As you walk through the trial remember the whole purpose is to weld you to Christ so that you become one with Him. As that happens in increasing measure you mature.

    This is by God’s design. So as you face the storms that come remember this is God’s love letter to you. He is giving you opportunity to fall more in love with Jesus, to have greater faith and greater maturity. These gifts are ignored at our peril.

    You are blessed to have a God who loves you so much that He wants you to mature and come into greater union with His Son.

    Homer Les

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Smiles. I totally agree with you – can be pretty tough to on some days when it hits one badly. But then we keep seeking His strength in it all. One of the blessings for me is the parable of the house on the rock, so many things will come hitting but we will keep STANDING!

      Yes, He wants us to be groomed and to grow!.

      Hmmm. True.
      “Not to break me, but to strengthen me”. 💯

      Learning to trust Him is key. And takes a deal of intentionality by the Holy Spirit’s help in us.

      Hmmm. True, that I experience His depth of love in all shades of it. And true, we are drawn closer in it all each step along the way.

      Yes sis, He is intentional about our lives.

      Thanks much.❤

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Dawn says:

    We all have times where we ask why. God understands our weaknesses. That’s why He said in our weakness, He would be strong. He is our strength. I remember Paul said he would boast about his weaknesses so that Christ power could rest upon Him. But like you said we must continue to Trust God through it all because God is still God.

    2 Corinthians 12:9 ESV
    But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

    Great post! Keep trusting God little sister! ❤️

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hmm. True Big sis. His strength is our strength!.

      One thing I learnt in this time was He intentionally allowing me get to a point where I had to be drained of myself so that I can see Him (His strength and His all for me).

      Yes sis. He is still in it for us!.

      Thanks for the text too. Love that verse – it has been a blessed reminder for me. He is my strength like no other, always teaching out to me!.

      Thanks sis. I will do by His Grace.
      Love much big sis. ❤

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Dawn says:

        When we are drained of ourselves, HE can finally step into our situations. Everyday His strength is there for us. Love you too little sis! 💕

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Very true sis. His strength is for us. 💯

          Liked by 1 person

  6. jesusluvsall says:

    Little sister I know life can be hard. Jesus told us that we would have trouble in this life but to be of good cheer because he has overcome the world. He is always with us. That does not mean we will are immune to discouragement, It is a daily choice to refocus on Jesus. I prayed for you little sister. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. 🙂Yes big bro.
      He is always with us. 💯

      I can’t agree less “sometimes it takes a lot more of our intentionality by His help in us (the Holy Spirit)”

      Thanks a lot big bro. Means a lot. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Michelle says:

    God is so amazing! He’s always one step ahead of us. 😀

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Smiles. Yes ma’am. He is just always “thinking in advance for us”. Such Love we have. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Maurice says:

      So true and making the path clear for us all we need to do is to stay focus

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Hmm. True!.
        “To keep seeing Him” 💯

        Liked by 1 person

  8. DeborahMarie says:

    Thank you for testifying to God’s faithfulness and goodness in your life🌼 He is glorified🌸

    Liked by 3 people

    1. You are welcome. Glad to!. Yes sis, all to His praise.
      Thanks a lot. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  9. “God I still trust you”. Amen! What a great summation and something to hold on to through the ups and the downs. It gets hard, most definitely, but never give up. Keep going. It really is all working together for good. Trust me, I know this story quite well, but after years of chaotic moments, I am starting to see God’s plan unfold. He really does have a plan. It often doesn’t make sense to us as we walk through it because we can’t see the big picture. But God does and remembering “God has good intentions for my life” has helped me to continue to walk through, well sometimes crawl through the process. Hold your head up. God’s got you even through the tears. As long as you are walking with Him you know you are still headed in the right direction. Be blessed and have a Marvelous day!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Smiles. Yes sis. We will not give up. No matter what, we keep on moving.

      Yes sis. I can so relate “doesn’t make sense”. But hey, God’s ways are so not our ways. Only man’s ways is sense filled. But God is above that ” He is wisdom, knowledge and understanding packed”.

      Hmmm. The Lord is for us sis, we keep on moving.

      Ultimate. Thanks a lot sis. ❤❤

      Do have a blessed new week too dear

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Maurice says:

      You know those are the main things that help to keep me I know that God has great plans for my life

      Liked by 1 person

      1. ☺ That is really great; knowing this. And His words shall surely come to pass over your life. ❤

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Maurice says:

          His word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Absolutely. 💯💃

          Liked by 1 person

  10. One wonderful thing that makes us unique as believers is the fact that we have a living hope. No matter what the situation is, we are never at a disadvantage coz God is always at work in/for us. Sometimes, it may seem as though we are alone and all but He is always there for us and surely always makes a way of escape. Through thick and thin, we never give up coz He surely makes everything work together for our good.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Yes Blessing. Our hope is “Living”. Not an History but Alive forevermore.💃

      True. He makes it all GOOD!.

      Thanks IBK. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Maurice says:

      The Lord Jesus bless you for that word sir. It is important to remember we want the will of God for our lives and His will the natural part of us cannot comprehend it. All we got to do is let the Lord have His way.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Smiles. It’s a “she”.
        Very true. Our natural selves can’t comprehend it. 💯

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Maurice says:


          Liked by 1 person

        2. ☺ You are welcome..

          Liked by 1 person

  11. Martina Roy says:

    This is very really unique helpful information. keep it up. Thank you so much!

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Smiles. You’re welcome.

    Liked by 3 people

  13. bukolaorry says:

    One thing I’ve learnt is to always trust God, even when life is hard. God’s promises are true. He said in His word that  all things work together for good to them that love Him, and to them who are called according to his purpose. Our God is a good God. Thanks for sharing this post.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hmm. Yes sis. Even when it’s hard to. 🤔

      Very true sis – His words are beautiful and grace filled.

      Yes sis. He is good God!❤

      Glad I did. All to Him. 🙌😊


  14. Thank you so much. I will do. 😊
    You are welcome. 🙂
    All to Him. 🙌


  15. Dawn says:

    Reblogged this on Drawing Closer to Christ and commented:
    Thank you little sister HCCounsels @ herrychiccounsels for reminding us to have “UNSHAKABLE TRUST” in our Lord Jesus in the midst of adversity.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks big sis. ❤

      …Hugs… 🤗

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Dawn says:

        You’re welcome little sister! 🤗❤️

        Liked by 1 person

  16. Maurice says:

    I can see through your writings that you are going through your afflictions. I can testify to the same but God is my keeper. I stand in faith remembering that when I got save 21 years ago I found that no matter what I was reading in the Bible I had to go and read Isaiah 43 until I knew from verses 1-6 by heart. Back then I didn’t know that God was speaking to me through the scriptures. That time was some of the roughest years when I was in deep distress. Years after I at times God would remind me or send me back to that very scripture. Now within the last three years where the attack of the enemy get so intense God remind me again of these scriptures verses. I can’t be ungrateful God is with me throughout all these but at times it is hard to see Him action and leave me to ask why, where are you Lord and I even answer I know you are here. I have a friend going through his difficult situation and I was talking with him and just like I would wonder and say and also hear my mother say the same thing “It looks like I am not saying the right words, because all these prayers and no answer” How can we tell someone about Jesus Christ when they can look on you and say how come you have that problem and God don’t help you. Peter said thin it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as thou
    gh some strange things happen unto you but rejoice in that ye are partakers of Christ suffering
    You mentioned that sometimes you have to step outside and get some air. This blogging I do is apart of my stepping out and get air. I am still trusting Jesus Christ to do wonders and give me breakthrough. I am lonely in the crowd but Jesus is with me

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Smiles. It was a phase I believed I needed to share.

      Wow. God is just so amazing in His show of love – sending you His words to comfort and strengthen you. 🙌

      Smiles. I can relate ma. But I will like to share this. When this incidence happened and few days afterwards I was watching a movie a and this word got stuck “Comfort others with the comfort ye have received”. It didn’t make sense to me at first but truth be told, my ability to share with folks around me so far that in it all God is good has been so illuminating, not only for me but these lives.

      And choosing to look at other blessings He has given unto us. Like Life, health, peace, sanity etc. Will encourage us to see God’s goodness beyond that need that He hasn’t met but yet working on. He is always working behind the scenes – All to our good and perfection in Him.

      Yes ma’am. I love nature and the serenity of it. It calms me as it reminds me that God is and will make all things beautiful indeed. 🙌

      Be encouraged ma’am. God’s not done with you just yet!. Keep trusting and holding fast to His words to you. He will surely come through for you on the long run. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Maurice says:

        So true .remember I am a male (laugh) Maurice is a boy name

        Liked by 1 person

        1. 🙈 OMG!. I’m sorry, I actually thought it was feminine. My bad!. 😁
          Thanks for correcting me. 😊

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Maurice says:

          No problem I take it with a laughter we all make mistakes Have a bless day today.

          Liked by 1 person

        3. Smiles. Thanks.

          Happy weekend. 💃


        4. Maurice says:

          You too enjoy and be safe

          Liked by 1 person

        5. Merci beaucoup. 😊

          Liked by 1 person

  17. Maurice says:

    It must be that God has a special package for us who are going through difficult situations this year. So much committed Christians are facing it. wile the wayward are on easy street. I see that a lot and sometimes I wonder, but my mother would say young boys don’t stone green mango it is the ripe ones they go after. Keep the faith the enemy is after our blessing and it can’t serve him and good.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Maurice says:

      Keep the faith the enemy is after our blessing and it can’t serve him any good.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes ma’am. The faith gear is on!. Unstoppable. 💃
        Thanks. ☺


    2. Smiles. So true, I believe He has great plans for us in all these happenings. Be encouraged – He is for us all!. ❤
      Thanks much.


      1. Maurice says:

        Thank you


  18. 2manyfaces says:

    This is good stuff thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks much. Glad I am able to. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Kim Petitt says:

    Thanks for sharing and your transparency!

    If we are honest, sometimes it can be hard to believe that God is good–all the time! Life is hard. we encounter various trials. When we find ourselves filled with sorrow, it’s hard to hold on to His goodness. That’s why we need to regularly be reminded that God is always good and He is faithful.

    Thankfully, scripture gives us the reassurance of God’s goodness. We can cast all our cares upon Him knowing that He cares for us.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Smiles. You are welcome. 🙂🤗🙌

      True sis. Especially in the face of the “unexpected”. 🤔💯

      Yes sis. His words keeps us in check and encourages us.

      Love your summations. Can’t agree any less. ❤🤗

      Liked by 1 person

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