When He says “Come” ✨

A verse I can’t get tired of reading or referencing is Matthew 11:28. The more I read it in different translations, the realer the message intended became. I’m thankful for the blessing of knowing that we can always “Come” to God. 🙌🏼 ..….. Do you have a friend or loved one that you can always…

Choose Rest and Know His Peace 🤍

I don’t know if you are like me. But I sometimes get caught up in my plans that I forget to realize no matter how much I plan, there is a greater one in charge of THE Plan for my life. And as beautiful as one of the verse I love states: 👇 ”The Lord…

🧐 His emotions – Our emotions 💭

I read a book earlier in the year and one of the chapters talked about what makes God smile. The book was on purpose, but while I was brooding on the words shared by the Author, God brought it home for me in another light. And this is the illustration He painted: A pregnant woman…

💭 His words – Thankful!📍

A while ago, I was reading a study plan and it made me ponder on how we have undermined the provision of God’s words to us. I couldn’t help but think about how we would be if God’s words were not one we had access to.😌 What if no one dared to share it after…

🗣 Words 💭

I believe we know the potency that lies in our words. Because power lies in the words we speak. Especially as a child of God. I have experienced both sides of words – both the good and bad said towards me. I believe you may have too. But there is a choice we have to…

💭 Addiction 💭

It’s alarming the extent at which we have series of addictions in our world today. And to make it more alarming, We have grown so comfortable in it. Yes, it started with a tiny little thing which grew over a while that it now looks like you in reality. But guess what? That is a…


Letting go is something we all are not so receptive of. It’s not a familiar phenomenon to the human mind. And trust me, it makes it hard because your mind and your head are constantly on a war when it comes to this. We hardly ever think of what is needed for us to let…


Is there really anyone that is beyond redemption? You know reading the event that followed the denial of Jesus, by Judas and what eventually happened to him spurred my share on this. “(Now Judas Iscariot acquired a piece of land [indirectly] with the [money paid him as a] reward for his treachery, and falling headlong,…


Smiles. I never saw this in the light of what I would be sharing with you, today. On this particular Sunday, we had finished church service, concluded every activity needed to be done and we were getting set to leave. But then we had to wait a while for all of us to leave at…